
LLC registration services in Анапе

Registration of a company in Анапе

We glad to provide you services for LLC registration on a turn-key basis. It includes:

  • Preparation of the full set of documents
  • Submission for a tax office
  • Receipt of documents for a tax office

Plus we DO presents

  • Open a settlement account in a partner banks for free. There is a whole list of our partner: Sberbank, UBRIR, Raiffaizen bank, Tochka, Alfa, Otkritie,Tinkoff, PromSvyazBank, MTC, Rosbank, VTB
  • 3000 rubles gift certificate to the “Antey” business academy
  • Our loyalty card
  • Visiting card website


  • Services fee: 3000 rubles
  • State fee: 4000 rubles
  • Notarization: 3000-3500rubles (only for 1 founder). If there is more than 1 founder, you will
  • have to pay extra 1000 rubles per founder

There is a list of documents we shall need:

  • 1. Passport
  • 2. Taxpayer identification number (only if you have it) Address of a firm's registered office ( If it locates in the apartment: 1. If you are the only owner of the apartment, the only document we need is a property ownership certificate. 2. If you are NOT the only owner, we need: a property ownership certificate and a letter of guarantee form from all property owners. if it locates on the office: a property ownership certificate and a letter of guarantee from the landlord. If you are an LLT owner, you also need a corporate seal.

We can send you an example of the letter of guarantee. Please, send a request on our email: 2532385@mail.ru

The full set of documents will be ready in 5 days. (Documents get ready in 3 days, but we can take it from the tax office on the 4th day. Plus we need one more day for getting your gifts ready.)

telephone: +7-982-717-09-59

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